
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Successful Separation

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Our weekend away was a success for both mama and baby boy! Though I knew this would be the case, the only separation that Skyler and I have had in the past 18 months has included some date nights (though we usually plan to leave after he is sleeping), the occasional appointment, and the second half of our ECFE classes (we begin in the same classroom for play time and songs, and then the parents leave and go to another room for the family education portion of the class).

Skyler has always done wonderful with separation. I believe he inherited his incredibly easy going temperament from my husband, which has been great for the times when we do have to leave him. It has always surprised me that with the little time we are away from each other, he never struggles with goodbyes. I occasionally wish that he would miss me a little more, but knowing that he is happy even when I am away always wins over those feelings. Throughout the weekend, he did start to say 'mama!' whenever he saw my mom on the phone, and there was one instance when he started to cry when he heard my CD playing on the car stereo, but overall I know he had a lot of fun with my mom and step dad.

It almost made me feel guilty to have a fun weekend away, but I found that I was unconcerned (which almost made me feel more guilty!), knowing that he was in good hands and we would be back together in a short amount of time. I slept in on Saturday, sat in a coffee shop and read a good book (Gone Girl, finally!), met with a friend from college and the teacher I student taught with, and of course, the military dinner, the reason for the weekend! It was such a fun weekend, and I think I needed it.

The best part was seeing my baby boy, and having him run up to give me kisses (I swear he got bigger while I was away, and his words seemed more clear - so strange!). The next morning was great too, when I walked into his room and he turned over in his crib, saying "Yay" quietly when he saw it was me.

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