Wednesday, June 11, 2014


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My Skyler turns two today.

It is incredible how fast the time has gone, but we have made so many memories in this time that when I look back, I can barely remember my life before motherhood. This sweet boy has been the biggest joy in our lives.

I am so lucky that I get to be the mama of this silly, smiley, and intelligent toddler. I am constantly laughing and smiling when I am around him, to the point where it hurts to smile anymore.

I see so much of my husband in Skyler, but as he has gotten older, I have been happy to see that he is a lot like me as well. One of the most wonderful things of the past two years has been seeing my husband as a dad. I have always known that Joe would be an amazing dad, and he has exceeded my expectations. He is such a sweet daddy, Skyler and I are so lucky to have him.

I love that my boy is both curious and independent, but still so loving and attached. He is always asking for hugs and kisses, and even though he plays very well on his own, it makes me happy when he asks me to play with him. Even if I only left his side for a moment.

My baby boy that loves books and vehicles more than anything. He gets so excited about music, sports, or crafty things of any kind. He is the happiest when we are outside, running around and playing. He thrives on the activities we do and the groups we are a part of. I swear, he remembers every one he has ever met and is always asking to see the people he loves.

Part of me wants the time to slow down. It is crazy to see my baby turning into such a big boy, but every day with him is more entertaining and exciting than the last. The past two years have been so incredible, and I cannot wait to see what the next year brings with this person that changed our family forever. There are so many things happening in our family this coming year, both exciting and not so exciting, and I am just happy that I will have Skyler right by my side through it all.

I especially love this day because I can look at the clock and remember what was happening two years ago, the day I became a mom. I am so looking forward to celebrating my little love today, and eating cupcakes with him at 4:36pm, even though it is right before dinner time, because it is our birthday tradition. Happy birthday, my Skyler.