Thursday, July 24, 2014

Two Year Photos and a Special Addition

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It's been pretty quiet around here lately on Minne-Mama. While the wonderful warm summer weather and all the fun activities away from home that go along with it have been a lot of the reason, there have been some other exciting things keeping us busy!

Our Skyler turned two in June, so last week we went to one of our favorite places, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, to get some two year photos taken. As you will see from some of my favorites pictures, we had a special guest along for the photo shoot as well! 

Oh hey, baby!

We are so excited that we will be adding another little boy to our family this holiday season! Skyler is thrilled about being a big brother (That sweet shirt he is wearing is from the Etsy shop 4BlessingsCreations. We also used it back in April to tell our parents about the new baby - how fast this pregnancy has gone!) In the beginning, I was completely exhausted and constantly nauseous. Luckily, I have been feeling better in my second trimester, but my motivation to create has been pretty much wiped. I am hoping to have more activities on the blog again soon (and more activities aimed towards babies in the near future I am sure), but right now I am loving spending this summer with my THREE favorite guys! 

All photos (with the exception of the final canvas shot) were taken by MJ Fotography, Inc.


  1. Congratulations!! I love the family photos and I'm excited to hear about #2! I'll be praying that things go well.

  2. Thank you, Emma! We love how to pictures turned out and I can't wait to update the site with some new baby pictures!! :)

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